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Features original watercolor paintings by renowned Singaporean artist Kwan Yuen Tam as well as art-related merchandise like prints, postcards and books. Kwan Yuen paints watercolor with a modern approach and his works have received numerous awards and he has exhibited in more than 10 countries. Beautify your homes with vibrant paintings and be amazed at how art can transform your life by getting your own artworks today!

About The Artist
Tam Kwan Yuen is an award-winning artist working primarily in watercolors.
Tam's works have been regularly selected into international juried shows and have won several awards. In April 2016, his painting, "Good Morning, NYC!" has won the JAN GARY and WILLIAM D. GORMAN MEMORIAL AWARD in the prestigious 149th Annual International Exhibition of American Watercolor Society (AWS). In 2020, He is the third Singaporean to be conferred Signature Membership in the AWS. His works have been featured in art publications, including the 17th Issue of the Art of Watercolor Magazine and selected as Winner in North Light Books' Splash 18: Value | Light + Dark Issue edited by Rachel Rubin Wolf. He has also been recently awarded the Nanyang Outstanding Young Alumni Award by his alma mater, Nanyang Technological University, for his outstanding achievements in art.
Tam has been active in both the local and international art scene. In 2025, he participated in ART SG, Southeast Asia's leading international art fair held in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. His work, Evening View from Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, was already sold before the start of the fair. He currently paints scenes both locally and abroad, with a modern approach to his painting technique. He is represented by Artcommune Gallery in Singapore.
See Some of My Featured Products
My best-sellers are sure to blow your mind... Check out some of these items below.

Fill Up Those Walls...
Here are some examples of how my artworks will look in your rooms...

Sunset at Marina Bay
Marina Bay is the heart and soul of Singapore as most commercial buildings are located here. The orange and purple of the sunset sky complement well with the amazing scenery and architecture here. The use of complementary purple and orange gives an attractive quality to this sunset scene.

Deep Blue Santorini
The deep blue sea as seen from the island of Santorini in Greece captured my heart as blue and white houses and hotels filled this amazing island that tourists flock to. The cool sea breeze, Greek music and relaxing atmosphere was a real joy to bask in as I made my journey across the island by foot and captured many great shots on my camera and sketchbook.

Evening at Times Square
The sun sets against Times Square in New York City as the people, billboards and traffic jostle for attention in this dynamic scene made up of myriads of details. The buildings and details offer a concoction of elements that make the scene come alive, and walking around during the evening here was a real joy to soak in the atmosphere of NYC.
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